- Create advanced BOL (Business Object Layer)
For every database table create Advanced business object class contains all methods required to deal with database table as select , insert , update , delete methods , creating methods to deal with table as object contains property for each database column (generated as C# or VB.NET code or compiled DLL).
- Use advanced DAL (Data Access Layer)
Use advanced common DAL class used by any application that handle all require methods that direct deal with database with stored procedures or dircet SQL statment execution (generated as C# or VB.NET code or compiled DLL).
- Generate database stored procedure
For any operation executed from generated BOL class to database generate for it database stored procedure to make operation execution FASTER.
- Create ASP.NET Pages and User Controls
Generate ASP.NET Pages and user controls with its labels with user custom properties or on default indicated properties with option to generate resources files in case of multi language application .
- Create code behind to interact Between BOL and user interface
Generate Code Behind file (.cs or .vb) with all required methods to perform basic operation like create object , bind values to controls , bind lookups , save-delete - update methods and some other utilities methods (generated as C# or VB.NET code).
By using DotNet Code Generator to Generate DAL , BOL , Code Behind , Database Stored Procedures , Page Controls you can do your work more professional and in a less time.
for more visit : http://www.developers-tools.com/Manual.html